Friday, August 16, 2019

toy story

2.road trips
3. bo peep

 We go crawling to the movie’s the line swarming with people and it takes fifteen minutes To get to the front of the line and we order three passes to Toy Story 4 and we went to get the popcorn and some drinks and we went to the fourth row and luckily there were not that many people there and we got the middle seats in our rowand we waited for a good five minutes then ads came on and that was another five minutes then the lights dimmed and we see a. Montage of woody and andy playing in the yard with the song you got a friend in me and then he stops and gives woody buzz and the rest of the toys to the new girl bonnie when they where playing bonnie picked buzz jesse buttercup the mayor and. The newest toy forky he was scared and wanted to go in the trash but woody prevented that from happening and when he went to the trash he pulled him out of the trash. Now more on forky he’s a spork and has googly eyes and stick’s for legs and furry spiky stuff for arm’s that’s more than you need to know about forky now back to the movie Woody found Bo peep that he has not seen in nine years in a sandbox and then saw billy goat and goat the goat and gruff the goat and then he found forky that he jumped out of the camper van and woody had left them for Bo peep and duke kaboom and gabby gabby And then we went to watch spiderman far from home next week.

winter peom